Prophet Bennie
& Judah Baker
Bennie Baker is one of America’s most exciting traveling ministers. He is a true revivalist. Bennie and his wife, Judah, have been in full time ministry for nearly 30 years. By traveling throughout America and the world, with their TV, Radio, and Internet ministries, the Bakers preach the Gospel to millions of people every week. Bennie is a gifted and fiery preacher who will stir your spirit and challenge you to want more of God. He has a Master’s in Biblical Studies, has authored six books, planted two churches, founded Calvary Bible College and is the current President and founder of “Calvary Pentecostal Church International.” Bennie’s ministry would be a great addition to your church, camp-meeting, revival, or church event. Because of his 20 plus years as a senior pastor, Bennie has a heart for the local church and has been called by many “a friend to pastors.” If you would like to schedule Bennie for your upcoming event, please contact our office today.
Contact us:
P.O. Box 779
Mansfield, Ar 72944